Quite unfortunately did not make this one but it’s still cool.
@echo off & setlocal & title Sphere 3D & set /a cols=62, lines=62 & goto :Init_system
:: By einstein1969. Dedicated to jeb, dbenham, penpen, carlos, aGerman, Aacini, EdDyreen,
:: npocmaka_, Liviu, Sponge Belly, Magialisk, the users and the staff of Dostips forum.
:: Use raster font 8x8.
set /a ar=100, rt=0, ds=0, cx=cols/2, cz=4000, cY=lines/2
set SIN=
set _PLOT$_=
set _$PLOT_=
set _empty=
set lines=
set cols=
for /L %%\ in (1000,-1,0) do (
set /a "rt+=31416/60"
if !ds! lss 1000 set /a ds+=10
set /a "a=(15708-rt) %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a"
if !c! gtr 47124 (set /a "a=a-(a>>31|1)*62832, b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a") else (if !c! gtr 15708 (set /a "a=(a>>31|1)*31416-a, b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a") else set /a "b=%SIN%, a=rt %% 62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a")
if !c! gtr 47124 (set /a "a=a-(a>>31|1)*62832, a=%SIN%") else (if !c! gtr 15708 (set /a "a=(a>>31|1)*31416-a, a=%SIN%") else set /a "a=%SIN%")
for %%f in ("0 9999" "-5000 8661" "-8661 5000" "-9999 0" "-8661 -5000" "-5000 -8661" "0 -9999" "5000 -8661" "8661 -5000" "9999 0" "8661 5000" "5000 8661") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%g in (%%f) do (
for %%t in ("3827 9239" "7071 7071" "9239 3827" "9999 0" "9239 -3827" "7071 -7071" "3827 -9239") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%u in (%%t) do (
set /a "ax=ar*%%h/10000*%%u/10000, az=ar*%%g/10000*%%u/10000, ay=ar*%%v/10000, aax=(ax*b/10000-(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*a/10000)*b/10000-(ay*b/10000-az*a/10000)*a/10000, aay=(ax*b/10000-(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*a/10000)*a/10000+(ay*b/10000-az*a/10000)*b/10000, e=ax*a/10000+(ay*a/10000+az*b/10000)*b/10000, c=ds*aax/(e-cz)+cx, d=ds*aay/(e-cz)+cy"
if not defined L!d! set L!d!=%_empty%
if !e! lss 0 (%_$PLOT_% !c! !d! 1 %_PLOT$_%) else %_$PLOT_% !c! !d! 4 %_PLOT$_%
if not "!OT!"=="!time:~-1!" (
cls & (For /L %%l in (1,1,%lines%) do if not defined L%%l (echo() else echo( !L%%l!)>CON
if "!OT!"=="0" title Sphere 3D [%%\]
set OT=!time:~-1!
) else endlocal
goto :eof
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set /a cc=cols+2, ll=lines+2
mode %cc%,%ll% & cls
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do set "%%v="
set /a cols=%cols%, lines=%lines%
set "_$PLOT_=For /F usebackq^ tokens^=1-3 %%x in ('"
set "_PLOT$_=') do set /a f=%%x+1 & For %%w in (!f!) do set L%%y=!L%%y:~0,%%x!!g:~%%z,1!!L%%y:~%%w!"
set "SIN=(a-a*a/1920*a/312500+a*a/1920*a/15625*a/15625*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000)"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /L %%l in (1,1,%cols%) do set "_empty=!_empty! "
set g= .±²@"
Goto :
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